So, this weekend was filled with getting the house ready to sell. I cleaned the carpet in the living room and hallway, deep cleaned the master bathroom, dining room and kitchen. My SO pressure washed the house! We were so tired that we just crashed into bed Saturday night and I think that we were instantly asleep! We continued working yesterday with someone coming over to trim the shrubbery and put down pinestraw. My muscles hurt. Not just one muscle...ALL OF THEM!
*******************************************************************To top it off...I have not had a cigarette since Saturday afternoon!!!! I have to quit...otherwise I will be wasting my time and money trying to keep from loosing my teeth. I might as well just pull them out and get dentures now because that is what my fate with be anyway. It hasn't been so bad...yet. All the cleaning kept me so busy that I did pretty well. Today may be another story.
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