It all Happened So Fast

So, yesterday, I went to the college to finalize my class registration. I happened to finish just in time to actually take my first class! So, I started school yesterday.

I have a few observations about my class.

We had to do that stupid thing of going around the room and telling your name, why you took this class and what your major is. You should know that I am the oldest one in the class and all of the other students just graduated high school. So, every single student in the class (except me), answered it the exact same way. "I thought this class would be cool". NO JOKE! But what really got me was that none of them had majors that had anything to do with Photoshop!

I kind of laughed inside because I know that they thought this was going to be an easy class! HA! This class is going to be hard...with 7 assignments due every week! This ought to be interesting!

I start my Illustrator class on Monday and will be going to school on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.