
It has been a week since my life took such a drastic change. I can't help but look back and try to learn some lessons from it all.

Lesson 1: Don't take words at face value no matter how badly you want to believe what you are being told. People have their own agendas and will always put those ahead of anything that is important to you.

Lesson 2: A risk taken with great thought and consideration can be worth it.
I am not a risk taker and even though the decision was a tough one, it is already paying off.

Lesson 3: It is ok to accept help when you are trying to meet your goals. It is not a sign of weakness.

Lesson 4: All things happen for a reason. It is kind of funny how I didn't realize how unhappy I was at my job until I wasn't there anymore. Getting laid off may end up being one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

There is no turning back now...I am on a good track in my life. I am very proud of how I handled this huge transition in my life and think that life will only get better from here.