Highly Motivated & Determined!

Well, I have been horrible about posting here and thought it was time for a quick update.

Things are going great at school and I am learning a lot of cool things in Photoshop and Illustrator. I am starting another class next week. That will mean that I have to take 4 classes in the next semester. It will be insane trying to do all of that but it will mean that I graduate in May!!!!

I am so motivated right now!

You see, when I was growing up, my family told me that I was nat smart enough to go to college. I guess I heard it enough that I really believed it. Well, in the past 2 years, I have made some great friends (including the ones that read this), many of those friends helped me to see a side of myself that I didn't really know was there. I have grown more in the past 2 years than I did the other years of my life.

So, being able to walk across a stage wearing a cap and gown really means something to me. Sure, it is only a certificate...but it is something that I worked hard for. It is something that I never thought I had the ability to do.

So, my friends, I am motivated. I will not be stopped.

With that said, I am going to my family reunion this weekend. I will get to hear all about how I am wasting my time going to school and that I am not smart enough. Well, this time I get to tell them that I am just a few weeks away from being named on the honors list!!!!!

Screw them...it is time to prove to myself that they are dead wrong!


Anonymous said...

Lak ah tole you beefur - You can pick yur nose, you can pick yur seat, you can pick yur friends - but you can't pick yur relatives!

It's about power and control, and most families have a 'pecking order', where they put everyone into a niche that they are expected to be in for the rest of their lives. Those that grow out of or step out of that niche - be it "the bad one" or "the dumb one" or "the good one" are the ones most reviled by their family. When "Drunk Uncle Ted" sobers up, takes a wife, and raises a bunch of kids and is happy, his family resents it, even tries to help him to fail. It's the way of the world, and especially dysfunctional families. People who grow past their families' expectations are usually the the ones who turn out to be the better-adjusted ones. Don't be angry at them - pity them for being so childish and short-sighted. (It feel a whole lot better and makes them feel a whole lot worse.) Grin...