What Are You Saying...Exactly?

Last night I watched the forum with McCain and OBama. It was pretty ho-hum for the most part but there was one question that snapped me to attention. "How can we make going into the military more appealing to young people?"

The most common answers would be salary, benefits,etc. You know, the normal things that would make any career more appealing.

O Bama's answer was odd. He repeated the statement 4 times during his answer. "We need to broaden the demographic of the people that enter the military." His answer came with no premise on how to do that.

In my opinion, it began to sound like he wanted to either bring back the draft or make military service mandatory. OMG! The concept of requiring military service is the main premise for a socialist government.

I also noticed how good he is at drawing you in. He is a talented speaker and has a way about him that makes you want to hear what he says. It is a dangerous talent and I think we should all take heed.


Aunt Bea said...

It used to be that only the poor and disadvantaged went into the army as 'volunteers' (and guys who had a choice before the Juvenile Court judge - adult jail or the military). Of course that was AFTER the draft.

Me, I think we should do what Switzerland requires. After graduation, every man and woman goes into the armed services for 2 years. Afterwards, they have the option to either continue their military service - or to get out, with the understanding that every single one of them is armed and in the "National Guard". Every year they have weapons training available for the citizens.

People say that the reason Switzerland is never attacked is the mountainous country and the banks. Not so. The real reason is that no dictator or small-minded conscriptor of social rejects is willing to face an entire country of well-armed and well-trained people, willing to defend their country at a moment's notice. The reason we lost in Korea, Vietnam, and other military actions was that we fought snipers on their home soil - people who had grown up in, and knew the terrain, climates, and weather challenges of their home. Think of what a fighting force we would have if we all were armed and trained to defend our homeland! Or - why the Pope hires the "Swiss Guard" for the Vatican.

However, Obama and McCain would both screw it up the way the draft was screwed up. I know they are plotting to re-institute the draft - which means that it isn't WHAT you know, but WHO you know that will get people out of the service - another pawn vs knight losing game.