Plain and Simple

This is the week that my new hours start so I do not have to be there until 10. That sounds like a really good thing except it is a cut in hours. While I appreciate the fact that they are trying to keep from having to let people go...a 8 hour cut hurts pretty bad too.

It is simple really, the market is just bad.

They are hoping that the market improves through the summer and by September things will be better. This goes against what is being said about the real estate market. I have a feeling that it will not be better and they will be forced to make some drastic cuts.

I am a Contract Coordinator. I just closed my last contract. So it is an uncomfortable feeling to be a Contract Coordinator and have NO Contracts. I do not feel that my job is secure at all.

So, I am making up money by working the door at the club a few nights a week. I am hoping to put away some money just in case the worst happens.

I can't lie...I am really worried. I have no one to take up my slack...if I can't pay my bills, there is no one there to pay them. It is scary...plain and simple.


Mad Hatter said...

I'm so with you. I mean we are just one slip-up from disaster. I hope things get better, but I fear they won't.

WileyCoyote said...

Well, you know, punkin, how I feel about it. Everyone wants to blame Bernacke and the FedRes - but I think it started long before Bernacke and even Greenspan, and long before the Countrywide and predatory lenders scams... IMHO, it will take a lot longer to get out of this than September, too.

Southern Focus Designs said...

WC...but I have to say that appreciate that they are trying to avoid letting people go. 32 hours is much better than none!