Misery Loves Company???

I had a meeting with the BIG boss about A**hole and remarkably the meeting went well.

But here is the kicker...nothing will really change. This A**hole is way too happy making everyone miserable to change. Amazing isn't it. My boss doesn't want to fire me (which is good news) but I know deep in my heart that nothing about the situation will change. This A**hole is who he is and will never have enough gonads to realize that he is an a**hole.

Have you ever met someone that sucked the life right out of a room? That is what A**hole is like. Everything in the office will be very fun and light...then he walks in and it is like we are gasping for air. Instant mood changer.

Why is it that some people allow themselves to be so miserable? Why do miserable people insist on making other people miserable?