The Discovery of Me!

Over the past few years, I have changed a lot. Every now and then something small happens that really shows me how far I have come.

First, let me take you back to what I used to be. I was always an outgoing person but I had no confidence in myself at all. I had no sense of what clothes looked good on me...I did nothing to take care of myself. Honestly, I had stopped being the typical girl along time ago.

In my journey to better myself, I had some help from my dearest of friends. He has a great sense of style and knows how to be drop dead honest with me without crushing me completely. He was and is my my shopping buddy. For along time, I would NEVER go shopping without him. He taught me what looks good on me, he had to practically force me to start getting my nails done (lol). As a result, I started treating myself better. My confidence skyrocketed. The image I had of myself changed dramatically. When I walk in a room, I don't hold my head down anymore.

In the past few weeks, several things have happened that just made me realize how far I have come and how much I have grown as a person.

Just over a week ago, I went shopping with my sister. I was picking out clothes and she just kept commenting on how dressy the clothes were. I just looked at her like she was nuts. They were Capri pants and blouses...dressy? Then it hit me. My definition of casual has completely changed. Before, casual meant jeans and a t-shirt. Now my casual is nothing like that. I only own 2 pair of jeans and t-shirts are only worn around the house or if I go to a race! As we were shopping, I noticed I was doing something that I had never done before...I was looking for shoes and purses to go with my outfits!!!! WTF???? I am finally a girl! LOL So, that day ended with 4 outfits that were perfect, 2 purses and 3 pair of shoes.

Then, this weekend, I went shopping again. (no, I am not a shopaholic...I just lost weight and desperately need clothes). I got the best outfit. But this time, I also decided to treat myself a little and had my nails done and got a pedicure.

This is more than a shopping trip rundown. This is a symbol of how far I have come. In the past couple of years, I have grown into a vibrant, confident woman. I have just started doing things for myself that I should have been doing for a very long time.

Many of you may think this is all a bit silly. But I think it is a sign that I have finally discovered ME!