It is almost here!
Well, the best holiday of the year will be here in just 2 days, 2 hours and 15 minutes!
See, I LOVE my birthday!!! It isn't the getting older isn't even the presents is just because it is a day that is about ME!
It may be juvenile...but I refuse to look at a birthday as a bad thing like a lot of people do. A birthday is a day to reflect...a day to celebrate LIFE!
I would really rather have them than to not have them! LOL
9:45 PM | | 0 Comments
I Love Green!
I LOVE ST. PATRICK'S DAY! Most reason's have nothing to do with the holiday itself. Here are my top 4 reasons:
- It means that my birthday is only 9 days away. For those that may not know me very well, I LOVE my birthday! I treat it as a day to celebrate ME!
- It means that Spring is only 4 days away! Sure, Spring brings nasty pollen but it also brings the warm weather, trips to the beach, beautiful days for photography, etc.
- I can wear green without worrying if it looks good on me. Green isn't my color at all...but, I do not like getting pinched! LOL
- It is a day when people want to go out and have a good time. Everyone seems happier even if it is only an illusion created by green beer
8:42 AM | | 0 Comments
Yellow Fever
Yes, I know that I do not have yellow fever...not in the standard terms anyway. But I do have a fever caused by something nasty and yellow!POLLEN
As Kimburkay calls it..."The Yellow Fog"
It is nasty and makes me feel nasty. It is messing up my favorite season!
I just hope that it doesn't mess up my favorite holiday in 13 days! (see how many of you figure that one out!)
8:00 AM | TAGS: sick | 0 Comments
Today's Saying
When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice. ~William James
3:13 PM | | 0 Comments
A Meal to Die For
I think I gained 5lbs. while watching this!
Watch CBS Videos Online
7:30 AM | TAGS: amusements | 1 Comments
Things that Amuse Me has a new look!
If anyone is interested in having a new look for their blog just let me know. For a limited time, I am doing Custom Blogger Design for FREE!
I hope you like the new look!
4:51 PM | TAGS: New Design | 0 Comments
Sorry I have not posted
Things have been very busy. I am still in school and working at my new job (started in November). When you also take into account that I am hopelessly addicted to Facebook, I hardly have time for anything.
I have started a design blog over the past few days as a part of a project for school. It is pretty good for me though since it forces me to find resources online about design and I am learning so much!
Madhatter will be happy to know that I am actually going somewhere tomorrow and will be completing the March assignment.
I will try to do better about posting...I promise. In fact, this blog needs a facelift. Maybe I should show off some of the things I have learned in school?????
3:45 PM | TAGS: ramblings | 0 Comments